Review on the formation of bamboo shoot palatability and its main influencing factors
摘要: 竹笋是中国传统森林蔬菜,也是大宗出口农产品。适口性体现了竹笋经济价值和市场潜力,是高品质竹笋评价的重要指标,但竹笋适口性形成基础及提升技术研发相对薄弱,一定程度上限制了竹笋品质改良技术研发及生产应用。本研究综述了竹笋适口性评价的主要指标,总结了当前竹笋适口性的主要研究成果,并对未来研究提出展望。目前竹笋适口性的研究主要集中于:①竹笋适口性的种间差异;②环境因子对竹笋适口性的影响;③经营措施对竹笋适口性的影响。主要结论为:糖、酸、酚类、纤维类以及氨基酸类物质是竹笋适口性评价的主要指标,适口性的形成不仅取决于竹种自身遗传因素,同时也受到气候因素和土壤质地等的影响。通过覆盖栽培、施肥、林分结构调控和选择适宜的采笋时间等途径可以改良竹笋适口性,但其效应存在明显的种间差异。未来竹笋适口性的研究应该集中于构建适口性综合评价指标与方法,探究多因素互作对竹笋适口性的影响,从生态、生理、生化、分子等多学科层面揭示竹笋适口性形成机制。筛选适口性好、产量高、生态适应性强的优良笋用竹进行规模化栽培,并从栽培环境选择、土壤养分精准补充、笋芽萌发环境控制、竹笋器官处理等途径研发竹笋适口性改良技术。参66Abstract: Bamboo shoots are traditional forest vegetables in China and also large export agricultural products. Palatability is an important index to reflect the economic value, market potential, and quality of bamboo shoots. However, the basic research on the formation of bamboo shoot palatability and development of upgrading technology are relatively weak, which limits the development and application of bamboo shoot quality improvement technology to a certain extent. This paper reviews the main evaluation indicators for bamboo shoot palatability, summarizes the main research results, and puts forward prospects for future research. Current studies on bamboo shoot palatability mainly focus on the following aspects: the interspecific differences in bamboo shoot palatability, the effects of environmental factors on palatability, and the impact of management measures on palatability. The main conclusions are as follows: Sugar, acids, phenols, fibers and amino acids are the chief indicators for evaluating the palatability of bamboo shoots. The formation of palatability depends not only on genetic factors of bamboo species, but also on climate factors and soil texture. Bamboo shoot palatability can be improved by mulching cultivation, fertilization, regulation and control of stand structure, and selection of appropriate shooting time, but there are obvious differences among species in their effects. Future studies on bamboo shoot palatability should focus on such aspects as constructing comprehensive evaluation indicators and methods, exploring the effects of multi-factor interaction on the palatability, revealing the formation mechanism of palatability from the ecological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects, selecting high-quality shoots with good palatability, high yield and strong ecological adaptability for large-scale cultivation, as well as developing the palatability improvement techniques from selection of cultivation environment, precise supplement of soil nutrients, environmental control of shoot bud germination, and treatment of bamboo shoot organs. [Ch, 66 ref.]
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