2007 Vol. 24, No. 3

Development pattern and guarantee mechanisms of circular agriculture
HE Yao-jun, SHANSheng-dao
2007, 24(3): 247-253.
[Abstract](1563) [PDF](158)
It is avail to relieve the problems on farmland reducing, freshwater lacking, eco-environment deteriorating by developing circular agriculture. The conception, the principle and the necessity of circular agriculture are introduced. Then, the circular agriculture development pattern are put forward, which focused on the Three-dimensional agriculture, ecological link and diversion, village waste reuse, and agricultural resource reducing, and the guarantee mechanisms mainly includes intensify propaganda education, establish regulation and legislation, impel technique innovation, strengthen supervise and assess. Its aim is to offer theoretic bases and practical directions for circular agriculture development in China.[Ch, 7 fig. 21 ref.]
Investment security system for forestry modernization in Zhejiang
2007, 24(3): 260-265.
[Abstract](1775) [PDF](169)
The funds is one foundation of forestry development, its quantity and distribution influence the forestry modernization process. By analyzing the status quo of forestry investmentand forestry taxation ofZhejiangProvince,it is found that the total financial investment increased remarkably, especially in the ecological construction, but could notmeet the needs; the forestry taxation decreased notably, but still restricted the forestry development. A new investment security systemis establishedwhich can satisfy the actual demand ofZhejiangProvince. The system includes bringing the forest resources into the greengross domestic product(GDP)accounting system, building the multi-channel investmentforpublic finance, gradually abolishing the planting fund, forest renewing fund and forest maintenance cost.[Ch, 4 tab. 12 ref.]
Forest certification and sustainable development of rural areas and the environment in China
ZENG Yan-ru, CHENG Zhang-feng, ZHENG Nan-zhong
2007, 24(3): 266-271.
[Abstract](1319) [PDF](182)
The mountainous regions of China,where 64% of the rural population reside, cover2 3 of its land area. In these rural mountainous areas,production of non-timberforestproducts(NTFPs)is closely related to development and the forest-based ecological environment. Certification of sustainable forest management is a market mechanism-based tool promoting sustainable forest management, and it has increasingly led to global recognition of environmentally healthy and socially reliable forest products. A well-managed forest usually meets responsible management criteria in environmental, social, and economic terms. These criteria can assure sustainable management, which is why forest certification (including certification of NTFPs)is conducted. This paper discusses the production of forest products (and NTFPs) in rural areas with emphasis on sustainable development of the ecological environment through certification-associated environmental and social impact assessments. China, with its many challenges, is only beginning to utilize forest certification, and should continue to improve its maintenance and recovery of forest biodiversity, popularization of forest certification-associated knowledge, and both social and environmental impact assessments.[En, 11 ref.]
Correlations in progeny trials of Cunninghamia lanceolata
FUShun-hua, DONG Ru-xiang, WULong-gao, FENG Jian-min, LIUWei-hong, HUA Chao-hui, SUNHong-you
2007, 24(3): 272-278.
[Abstract](1130) [PDF](171)
The objective is to find the regularity of hereditary variations in Cunninghamia lanceolata(Chinese fir)seed orchard and improve the stock breeding efficiency. Data were analyzed from two progeny trials of 17 Cunninghamia lanceolata seed orchards that were surveyed continuously over 6 years for phenotype and genetic correlations among growth traits, age, and rank correlation. Results indicatd a close correlation(P 0.05, rp and rgnear or equal to 1.0) among growth traits of height, diameter, and stem volume. Crown width was significantly correlated to growth traits of height(P 0.01, rp= 0.557 0, rg= 0.699 7), diameter(P 0.01, rp= 0.740 0, rg= 0.881 2), and stem volum(P 0.01, rp= 0.712 5, rg= 0.847 7), whereas two growth ringswas significantly correlated to growth traits of height(P 0.005, rs= 0.461 0), diameter(P0.05, rp= 0.554 6), and stem volum(P 0.01, rp= 0.537 5). Branch number per meter was negatively correlated to growth traits(P 0.01). The correlation coefficients of the growth traits between different years increased with age. The growth sequence tended to be stable when 2- 3 yearsold, and became steady-state after6 years. Within a progeny trial of C. lanceolata, the first selection from the orchard can begin after afforestation at the end of the second year of growth. The selection rate should be twice that of the second selection. With this selection criteria, the accuracy rate of the selection should be close to 100%. Also, when stemvolume is selected indirectly by diameter, accuracy rate of the selection should be close to 100%.[Ch, 7 tab. 30 ref.]
Optimal reaction system for random amplified polymorphic DNA with endangered Emmenopterys henryi
YANG Jing-yuan, XIONG Dan, LIANG Hong-wei, WANG Yu-bing, LIAOMing-ya, CHEN Fa-ju
2007, 24(3): 279-283.
[Abstract](2134) [PDF](158)
Genome DNA from leaves of the Emmenopterys henryi tree(Henry emmenopterys) in the Shennongjia area of Hubei Province, China, was extracted to optimize its random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD) reaction conditions, which included concentrations of DNA polymerase, primers, Mg2+,dNTP, and DNA.Resultsindicated that genome DNA of E. henryi had good amplification with the following conditions: 25L solutionwith 1.33 10- 3 katL- 1 Taq DNA polymerase, 0.5molL- 1 random primer, 2.6 mmolL- 1 Mg2+,220molL- 1 dNTP, and 4.40 mgL- 1 genomic DNA. The polymerase chain reaction(PCR) amplification programwas as follows: predenaturing at 94℃ for5 min, followed by 40 cycles of denaturing at 94℃ for1 min,annealing at 43℃ for 1 min, extension at 72℃ for 2 min, and final extension at 72℃ for 8 min. Such a system and reaction programs could achieve comparatively stable amplification.[Ch, 6 fig. 1 tab. 8 ref.]
Rooting characteristics and endogenous hormone levels in Buxus sinica var. parvifolia during spring cutting
HUANG Yan, JI Kong-shu, FANG Yan, ZHAI Jin-ru
2007, 24(3): 284-289.
[Abstract](1567) [PDF](113)
Buxus sinica var. parvifolia(littleaf box) is one of the woody evergreen plant species that has high commercial value in the floriculture market. Efforts to improve propagation successwill be essential in development of the species for commercial production and in satisfy the markets needs. The purpose of this research is to study the rooting mechanism of Buxus sinica var. parvifolia cutting. Seven cultivars were chosen, including five cultivars of littleleaf box and two of Buxus sinica(Chinese box) to compare the rooting potential. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) technology was used to measure the levels of indoleacetic acid(IAA), abscisic acid(ABA), isopentenyladenosine(iPA), and gibberellin4(GA4) in the rooting zones, and the rooting characterswere also observed in spring stem cutting. The results showed that around the time of callus forming and the root projecting epidermis, the levels of IAA, ABA and GA4were different in seven cultivars and in different treatments. And the rooting ability of cultivarNo.3 and No.5 treated byABT6 were improved. The high levels of endogenous hormone in the easy-to-rootcultivars in crucial rooting periodwasbeneficial to callusgeneration and the root anlage formation and differentiation.[Ch, 4 fig. 2 tab. 18 ref.]
Growth, ionic absorption and ionic distribution responses to soil drought and drought-salt stresses in two Robinia pseudoacacia clones
YUWan-wen, CAO Bang-hua, CAO Fu-liang
2007, 24(3): 290-296.
[Abstract](1504) [PDF](160)
Growth, ionic distribution and selective ionic absorption(transportation) responses to soil drought stress alone and drought-salt stress two Robinia pseudoacacia(black locust) clones(W1and L78) were determined. The salt and drought stresseswere set by controlling the amount of NaCl and water in potted plants.Results showed that both stresses inhibited growth of the two clones with drought-salt stress inhibiting growth more than drought stress alone. In addition, drought stress alone inhibited growth more on W1than on L78, whereas drought-salt stress inhibited growth more on L78than on W1. Also, under drought stress, total Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ contentin W1 roots had a greaterdecline than L78. With both stresses the growth of L78was inhibited due to low RK,Na(relatively selective ratio), RCa,Na, and RMg,Na rates of L78roots and large rates for leaves causing a severe decreasing of K+,Ca2+, andMg2+ in the roots. Contributing to lowion levelswas root inability to control both Na+ absorption and Na+ transportation to shoots. W1had higher drought-salt resistance because itmaintained a relatively stable mineral nutrient level, especially with K+ and Ca2+, and because under drought-salt stress its rootswere able to control Na+ absorption and Na+ transportation to the shoots. The lowerNa+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+, in W1roots compared to L78under drought stress alone was due to a decrease in the proportion of inorganic oins in osmotic adjustment and an increase in organic ions. This, then, increased consumption of own substances and energy leading to greater inhibition on W1growth.[Ch, 5 tab. 15 ref.]
Leaf nutrients(N, P, K, Ca and Mg)in selected Populus tomentosa triploid clones
LIUKe-lin, SUN Xiang-yang, ZHAO Tie-rui, KANG Xiang-yang
2007, 24(3): 297-301.
[Abstract](1513) [PDF](140)
Concentrations of nutrients(N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) in leaves of triploid Populus tomentosa were studied with 12 treatments(11 triploid clones: S1,S2,S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S11, S12) and a duple clone(S10)as a control.The results showed that compared to the control, concentrations ofN in clonesS11,S1, S6,S3,S7,S8 and S4 were significantly greater(P 0.05, n= 36), concentrations of K in all triploid clones were significantly greater(P 0.01), concentrations of Ca in all triploid clones were significantly less(P0.01), and concentrations of P and Mg were not significantly different. N concentrations excluding the control ranged from 24.56 gkg- 1(S11)to 21.23 gkg- 1(S9);P concentrations from1.81 gkg- 1(S5)to 1.24 gkg- 1(S2);Kconcentrations ranged from19.46 gkg- 1(S4)to 15.20 gkg- 1(S10);and Ca concentrations ranged from 11.35 gkg- 1(S10)to 5.93 gkg- 1(S8).Nutrient concentrations in leaves of triploid P. tomentosa were in the following order:N K Ca Mg P.[Ch, 5 fig. 1 tab. 15 ref.]
Photosynthetic characteristics of Simmondsia chinensis in the arid-hot valley of the Jinsha River
LI Xiao-qing, GAO Han-dong, CAO Xiao-jun, LI Rong-wei, WANG Zhun, WANG Xiao-ling
2007, 24(3): 302-307.
[Abstract](1666) [PDF](161)
The photosynthetic characteristics of leaves from two provenances(Hyder Valley of America and Vacaville of Israel) of four-year-old Simmondsia chinensis(jojoba) plantations in the aridhot valley of the Jinsha River in Huidong County of Sichuan Province were studied using the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system.Results showed that the CO2compensation point was 56- 62mol m- 1, carboxylation efficiency was 0.081 4-0.094 6, dark respirationwas 1.15- 1.18molm- 2s- 1, the light compensation pointwas 31- 35molm- 2s- 1, the light saturation point was 1 308- 1 592molm- 2s- 1, and the apparent quantum efficiency was between 0.033 and 0.037 indicating that S. chinensis was a C3plant. The diurnal variation of the net photosynthetic rate on sunny days inAugustwas one smooth-peaked curve. In addition, the solarenergy utilization efficiency was 5.641- 5.999 mmolmol- 1, and water use efficiencywas about 1.0 molmmol- 1.[Ch, 8 fig. 2tab. 24 ref.]
Wild ornamental climber resources in central Zhejiang Province
2007, 24(3): 308-312.
[Abstract](1537) [PDF](160)
Despite itbeing a plentiful resource, there has been no research conducted onwild ornamental climbers in central Zhejiang Province. The purpose was to analyze and evaluate the ornamental characteristics of wild ornamental climber resources in central Zhejiang Province and to put forward suggestions for their exploration,utlization, and protection. Based on a typical survey and classificationmethods forthese wild ornamental climbers,three groups in central Zhejiang Province were established. These were wild ornamental climbers 1) with comparatively high ornamental value observed inthe fieldwith two ormore ornamental functionsorgarden purposes,2) that have an ornamental value recorded in the literature or that are already being utilized, and 3)with special garden purposes orornamental effects. The three groups ofwild ornamental climberswere divided into three classes according to their ornamental flowers, fruits, and leaves. Each of these three classes was then subdivided into evergreen and deciduous categories. Results of the field survey indicated that there were 52 species of wild ornamental climbers, belonging to 27 genera of 17 families. Among these, 33 were ornamental flowers(19 evergreen and 14 deciduous), 6 were ornamental fruits(3 evergreen and 3 deciduous), and 13 were ornamental leaves(5 evergreen and 8 deciduous). Ornamental characteristics and garden purposes of the wild ornamental climberswere also listed.[Ch, 3 tab. 19 ref.]
Soil and vegetation characteristics of wetland communities at different successive stages in the Huanghe River Delta
HOUBen-dong, MA Feng-yun, XING Shang-jun, SONG Yu-min, LIUYan
2007, 24(3): 313-318.
[Abstract](1480) [PDF](210)
In the Huanghe River Delta, wetland communities were studied to determine their soil and vegetation characteristics at different sucessive stages. Fourwetland samples of Suaeda salsa(saline seepweed) community,Tamarix chinensis(tamarisk) community, Imperata cylindrica(white cogongrass) community and barren land were classified using a special-replacing-temporal method. An ANOVA with soil nutrient(total N, alkaline hydrolyzing N, quick-acting K and P) and organic mater(OM)variables from four sample plots with 0- 20 cm and 20- 40 cm soil and three replications, aswell as anANOVAof species diversity(D and H indexes) of four communities using a sampling design with 1 m 1 m plots, eight replications for herbage and 10 m 10 m plots, 5 replications for shrubswere analyzed. Results showed thatwith a reduction of soil salt in the wetlands, organic matters and total nitrogen increased significantly(P 0.05) as did alkaline hydrolyzingN and quick-acting P(P 0.05)。Among the different communities, the above nutrients were significantly different(P 0.05). The importance value(IV)for four communities of edificato was S. salsa(65.47%), T. chinensis(36.23%),and I. cylindrica(34.50%); for annual herbaceous plants was S. salsa(65.47%), T. chinensis(30.43%), and I. cylindrica(15.41%); and forperennial herbaceous plantswas S. salsa(19.90%), T. chinensis(33.33%), and I. cylindrica(79.67%). With succession, IV of edificato and annual herbaceous plants gradually decreased, whereas the IV of perennial herbaceous plants gradually increased. The species richness and plant diversity in an order was I. cylindrica community T. chinensis community S. salsa community. Therefore, soil and vegetation of wetland communities in different successive stages were different[Ch, 1 fig. 3 tab. 15 ref.]
Water holding capacity and nutrients of litter layers in a Pinus tabulaeformis plantation at different ages in Mount Xiaolong of Gansu
LUJun-feng, WANG Hui, CAO Jing, YUANHong-bo
2007, 24(3): 319-325.
[Abstract](1728) [PDF](148)
The standing stock, nutrient content, and water holding capacity from litter layers of a Pinus tabulaeformis(oil pine)plantation at different ages(7, 10, 16, 23 and 30 years old) were compared with the control(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata secondary forest). Results showed that the plantation standing stock at different ages ranged from 12.23 to 18.78 thm- 2 and was higher than that of the control. Macronutrients in the litter layer of the plantation at different ages varied between 8.56-1.40 gkg- 1 for N, 0.45- 0.63 gkg- 1 for P, and 0.74- 1.23 gkg- 1 for K. In forest litter of the P. tabulaeformis plantation, N and P were less than thatof the control, but K was higher. The average nutrient content in forest litter of the P. tabulaeformis plantationwas 158.36 kghm- 2 forN, 8.44 kghm- 2 for P, and 15.92 kghm- 2 forK. P in the plantationwas a little less than the control; but N and K were 1.31 and 2.99 times greater, respectively. In both P. tabulaeformis and Q. aliena var. acuteserrata plantations, water content, ranging from 38.98% to 59.22%,and saturated water-holding capacity, ranging from 246.95% to 300.33%, increased with age, and both were maximum in the 30-year-old plantation. The average water content of the plantation was slightly less than the secondary forest, but the saturated water-holding of the plantation was lower.[Ch, 6 fig. 2 tab. 21 ref.]
Information classification and code of forest resources
BAI Jiang-li, PENG Dao-li, YANG Fu-ning
2007, 24(3): 326-330.
[Abstract](1744) [PDF](247)
Informationization and digitization has become an important componentof modern science and technology research. According to scientific, systemic, exclusive, consistant, simple, open-ended and normative principle, and using both linear classificationmethod and side classificationmethod, forestinformationwas divided into basic type, monitoring type, managing type and standard type. Then, small types are diveded further. All attribute factors of forest resources information were divided into 23 types. On the above basis, every information type was coded. The code includes three parts: identification code, element code and attribute code. [Ch, 2fig. 3 tab. 13 ref.]
Design of public welfare forest management system in Zhejiang
LI Tu-sheng, MO Lu-feng, YING Bao-gen, ZHANG Song
2007, 24(3): 331-335.
[Abstract](3657) [PDF](154)
There are large numbers of data generated in the public welfare forests construction and management.The exploitation of its information management system is needed. So the public welfare forests cadastral management systembased onGISwas designed. According to the actual demand ofZhejiang, the working flowand data flowwas analyzed, and the architectures and the function modules of the systemwere designed in. Then the key technology, such as data acquisition and reorganization, system conformity and validity, and common function for different county and city was discussed. The result of application indicated that this system give a guarantee to the standardization and fine management of public welfare forest.[Ch, 4 fig. 11 ref.]
Planning and design of self-guided interpretive trails
LUO Fen, ZHONG Yong-de, LI Jian, YUYi-wu
2007, 24(3): 336-341.
[Abstract](1617) [PDF](165)
Planning and design of self-guided interpretive trails influences not only tourist understanding of a local habitat and culture, but also management of tourist behavior, and sustainable development of scenic spots.Planning of self-guided trails was analyzed using tourist-oriented ideas and present day development practices as guidelines. After considering explanations of the scenic spots and characteristics of tourists, ten planning requirements were identified: formation of guide teams, analysis of the main objects of self-guided trail explanations, consideration of resources to develop trails, determination of the interpretive themes, selection of site descriptions, writing of the plans, design of the interpretive signs, evaluation and revision of the signs,manufacture and installation of the signs, and overall evaluation of the interpretive sites. As an example, the planning and design of self-guided trails at the Suzhou Eco-green Garden is presented.[Ch, 4 fig. 10 ref.]
Sustainable development of agritourism within the circular economics theory
ZHANG Jian-guo, HE Fang, YUYi-wu
2007, 24(3): 254-259.
[Abstract](1574) [PDF](163)
The circular economics theory advocates decreasing to a minimum the negative influence of all economic activities on the natural environment. With the rapid developmentof agritourism, the resource and the environment are under pressure from agriculture and tourism. Guiding the developmentof agritourismwith the circulareconomic theory could help reduce the negative influencesof agriculture on the environment, promote the organic combination and coordinated development of various industries with tourism as a leading industry, maintain and improve the ecological environment, improve the managementlevel of the enterprise, reduce operational costs, and improve the image of the enterprise. Hence, this theory could also promote the formation of a tourist consumption concept and enhance tourisms sustainable development capability. To effectively adopt the circulareconomywithin agritourism,more efforts are required to improve the external environment, up grade the consciousness of the enterprise, and raise the knowledge level of the consumer.[Ch, 20 ref.]
Landscape ecological analysis of soil erosion
SONG Yu, JIANG Hong, YUShu-quan, ZHOUGuo-mo
2007, 24(3): 342-349.
[Abstract](2431) [PDF](190)
Species and their dispersal ability of Monochamus as vectors to transmit Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
ZHANG Jian-jun, ZHANG Run-zhi, CHEN Jing-yuan
2007, 24(3): 350-356.
[Abstract](2287) [PDF](458)
The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is a destructive invasive species in the world. The pine wilt disease caused by itis destructive forthe pine trees. The pine wiltdisease was diffused through the vector insects in the field. There are 45 insectspecies can transmitpinewood nematode. Only 13 specieswere regarded as vector insects, all of them are Monochamus, i. e. Monochamus alternatus, M. saltuarius, M. carolinensis,M. galloprobincialis, M. scutellatus, M. titillator, M. botusus, M. marmorator, M. notatus, M.mutator, M. clamator, M. grandis and M. sutor. Because M. alternatus, M. carolinensis and M. saltuarius has strong flying and dispersal ability than others, they are being of the three primary vector insects to transmit pinewood nematode. Most adults of these insects can reach to 1 000 m away by one flight both in maturation feeding and ovipoisition stages. Moreover, management of these vector insects has been the key point within the pine wilt disease control.[Ch, 2 tab. 33 ref.]
A review of studies on habitat selection by small and solitary forest ruminants
PANShi-xiu, MEN Xiu-xiang, FENG Jin-chao, ZHOUYi-jun, XUHong-fa
2007, 24(3): 357-362.
[Abstract](1489) [PDF](169)
Habitatselection ofwildlife isone of the mostimportantecological processes. However, itis difficultto study the habitatutilizationof small and solitary forestruminants(SSFR) because of theirsecretive nature and their relatively closed habitat. Thus, there are few reports in the literature. Nevertheless, because these studies can contribute to the understanding of evolutionary processes in the life style of ruminants and even ungulates, the habitat preferences of small and solitary forestruninantshasbecome an importanttopic. This reviewsummarized the general characteristics of small and solitary forest ruminant habitats and the influence of developmental stages on their habitat utilization. The status of advances in research on habitat selection at different scales were also discussed. Furthermore, integrated study methods using multi-scales in habitat selection were emphasized, and impacts of habitat fragmentation on small and solitary forest ruminantswere explored.[Ch, 60 ref.]
Spatial data structure in spatial analysis
WANG Hang-jun, FANG Lu-ming, ZHANG Guang-qun
2007, 24(3): 363-368.
[Abstract](1853) [PDF](158)
Spatial analysis is a data analysis technique based on the geographical location and morphological characters, which has beenwidely used inmany fields. Its efficiency is directly decided by the main operation and spatial data structure. From hashing access methods to different tree structures, provided a survey on spatial data structure and presented their characteristic through comparison between all these spatial data structures. [Ch, 6fig. 1 tab. 22 ref.]
Scientific notes
Anti-bacterial activity of leaf extracts from Heptacodium miconioides
ZHANG Jun-hui, JINZe-xin
2007, 24(3): 369-371.
[Abstract](1470) [PDF](112)
The anti-bacterial activity of Heptacodium miconioides(sevenseedflower tree) on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli were studied by a disc diffusion testwith leaves picked atdifferentdates(4thApr, 18thApr,2nd May, 16thMay, 30thMay, 30th Jun, 27th Jun, 11th Jul, 25th Jul, 8th Aug, 22nd Aug, 5th Sep, 19thSep). Compared with boiling or Soxhlets extraction methods, ultrasound was suitable for analysis of larger quantities of samples. When diluted 80 times. 1 g ultrasound extraction still had a strong anti-bacterial rate(60%). Furthernore, a strong anti-bacterial rate( 50%)wasobserved during the entire leafgrowing periodwith S. aureus having a higher susceptivity than E. coli.Although it fluctuated with time, leaves of H. miconioides displayed the highest anti-bacterial activity the first 10 d of April, the middle 10 d of July, and the last 10 d of September.[Ch, 1 tab. 1 fig. 7 ref.]
Micropropagation of Dendrobium officinale
WANG Chun, ZHENG Yong-ping, LUOMan, ZHOUFang-yong, YUQiong-fang
2007, 24(3): 372-376.
[Abstract](1589) [PDF](186)
Dendrobium officinale(iron-sheet dendrobium) is a rare plant species for medical use. Its present resource cannot satisfy the needs. Tissue culture is a quick and convenient path to produce more iron-sheetdendrobium. The tiny seeds were sowed on the basic culture medias of MS(Murashige and Skoog), half of MS(1 2 MS), Hyponexl and Hyponex 2. And the fresh stems were sterilized in differentways, then cultured in the basic media added NAA or BA in different ammounts. The resluts showed that 1 2 MS+ A(the additive substance)+ 25 gL- 1 sugar was the best medium for seeding; Method B was the best disinfection with the livability 76.2%; 1/2 MS+ 1.5 mgL- 1 BA+ 0.25 mgL- 1 NAA was better for adventitious buds induction,with 4.7 buds on each explant; 1 2 MS+ 1.0 mgL- 1BA+ 0.5 mgL- 1NAA was fine for protocorm induction,with the rate of 8%; 1/2 MS+ 0.5 mgL- 1 NAAwas betterfor rooting, with a 100% rate and 7.1 roots on each explants. The proliferation systerm can enlarge the application of Dendrobium officinale.[Ch, 1 fig. 5 tab. 11ref.]
Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Atriplex canescens
PENG Shao-bing, WANG De-xiang
2007, 24(3): 377-381.
[Abstract](1749) [PDF](145)
Atriplex canescens(fourwing saltbush)is a salt, base and drought tolerant plant species, so it can be planted widely in the northwestof China. Use half and fully lignified stems as experimental materials, to study the influencing of the time of the explantwas taken, the method of the optimal sterilization of explant, and the NAA and 6-BA concentrations on the tissue culture of fourwing saltbush. The results showed that the bestpicking time is in April, the optimal sterilization method of explant is dipped in 70% alcohol about 30 seconds and then in 1.0 gL- 1 HgCl2about 6 minutes. The culture media MS(Murashige and Skoog)containing 0.5 mgL- 1 6-BA are suitable for the initial culture(P 0.01), and MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mgL- 1 6-BA and 0.10 mgL- 1 NAAin subculture was in favorof the shotproliferation and growth(P 0.01). The material has high rooting percentages(36.7%) and excellentdevelopment rootsystemson 1/2MSmediumwith 0.10 mgL- 1 NAA.[Ch,4 fig. 4 tab. 10 ref.]