四翅滨藜Atriplex canescens在中国西北具有很大的应用前景,利用组培进行扩繁是解决用于生产的优质苗木的有效方法。以四翅滨藜半木质化及全木质化枝条为材料,研究了不同的取材时间、消毒方法、基本培养基、植物生长调节物质质量浓度对组培的影响。结果表明,取材时间以4月为宜;消毒方法先用体积分数70%乙醇表面消毒20 s,无菌水冲洗2次,再用1.0 gL- 1氯化汞(HgCl2)浸泡消毒6 min为宜;初代培养宜选用高盐培养基MS(Murashige and Skoog)+ 0.5 mgL- 16-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA);继代培养基以MS+ 1.0 mgL- 1 6-BA+ 0.1 mgL- 1萘乙酸(NAA)更有利于茎芽增殖和生长;在1/2MS+ 0.1 mgL- 1 NAA的培养基上进行生根培养,生根率较高,根系发育较好。图4表4参10
Atriplex canescens(fourwing saltbush)is a salt, base and drought tolerant plant species, so it can be planted widely in the northwestof China. Use half and fully lignified stems as experimental materials, to study the influencing of the time of the explantwas taken, the method of the optimal sterilization of explant, and the NAA and 6-BA concentrations on the tissue culture of fourwing saltbush. The results showed that the bestpicking time is in April, the optimal sterilization method of explant is dipped in 70% alcohol about 30 seconds and then in 1.0 gL- 1 HgCl2about 6 minutes. The culture media MS(Murashige and Skoog)containing 0.5 mgL- 1 6-BA are suitable for the initial culture(P 0.01), and MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mgL- 1 6-BA and 0.10 mgL- 1 NAAin subculture was in favorof the shotproliferation and growth(P 0.01). The material has high rooting percentages(36.7%) and excellentdevelopment rootsystemson 1/2MSmediumwith 0.10 mgL- 1 NAA.[Ch,4 fig. 4 tab. 10 ref.]