摘要: 研究了6-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)和-萘乙酸(NAA)2种植物生长调节物质,以及MS(Murashige and Skoog),B5(Gamborg),N6和WPM(woody plant medium)等4种培养基对浙江雪胆Hemsleya zhejiangensis组培幼苗繁殖系数的影响。结果表明:不同6-BA和NAA质量浓度对浙江雪胆组培苗繁殖系数有较大影响,其最佳质量浓度分别为0.50 mgL-1和0.20 mgL-1,其繁殖系数分别为10.80和5.60,且6-BA的效果显著高于NAA;而不同质量浓度的NAA和6?鄄BA配比的最佳配方为MS+6-BA 1.00 mgL-1 + NAA 0.02 mgL-1和MS + 6-BA 1.00 mgL-1 + NAA 0.05 mgL-1,2种配比下浙江雪胆组培苗繁殖系数分别为19.30和18.10,与单一植物生长调节物质最佳质量浓度相比,其差异也均达到了显著水平。研究还发现:浙江雪胆的组培苗在初代培养中不经生根阶段就可形成微型块茎,且该微型块茎可直接发育成新个体。图1表4参7Abstract: Hemsleya zhejiangensis is an endemic species in China, its population of H. zhejiangensis is declining due to the lack of seedlings and the resource volume should expanded to sustain the population exist. The tissue culture was of H. zhejiangensis maily disccused in this paper. The effects of two hormones:6-benzyladenine(6-BA) and Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA),and four types of culture media: Murashige and Skoog (MS),Gamborg (B5),N6-benzylaminopurine(N6) and woody plant medium (WPM) on the propagation of H. zhejiangensis were studied. The results were all meansSD of fourty independent experiments. Results showed the optimum concentration (for 6-BA) was 0.50 mgL-1 and (for NAA) was 0.20 mgL-1 with propagation coefficients of 10.80 (6-BA) and 5.60 (NAA). When both hormones were used together,treatment (1) of MS + 6-BA 1.00 mgL-1 + NAA 0.02 mgL-1 and treatment(2) of MS + 6-BA 1.00 mgL-1 + NAA 0.05 mgL-1 were much better,which propagation coefficients of 19.30 (for treatment 1) and 18.10 (for treatment 2). [Ch,1 fig. 4 tab. 7 ref.]

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