1964年Shinozaki等[1-2]在研究各种植物群落的生产结构图时,首次发现在某一高度之上的累计叶量与该高度的非同化组织密度之间具有明显的线性关系,从而提出单位管道模型(unit pipe model)。该模型把树木以及整个群落视为一个均一的单位管道的集合,管道将叶子和根连接起来,管道既起到机械支撑的作用,又有输导水分的作用,认为树干内单位管道支持着单位数量的叶片。管道模型假说提出至今,在解释树木形态[3-4]、资源分配[5]、森林生产力评估[6]以及通过木质部横截面积预测茎段末端叶面积和干物质量[7-9]等方面发挥了重要的作用。这些研究都说明了这个假说的合理性。然而,通过管道理论研究单株林木的水分运输效率及其调控机制的研究鲜有报道。水力结构理论形成于20世纪70年代[10],它是指植物在特定的环境条件下,为适应生存竞争的需要所形成的不同的形态结构和水分运输供给策略。通常用导水率(Kh),比导率(Ks),叶比导率(Kl)和胡伯尔值(Hv)等参数来描述。本研究拟通过对刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia 不同生长时期水力结构参数的测定探讨管道理论及其适用性。
The pipe model theory based on the hydraulic architecture parameter with Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings
摘要: 为了解刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia苗木对体内水分运输过程的调控机制,基于水力结构理论,在充分供水条件下,利用改良的"冲洗法"对2年生刺槐苗木的水力结构参数进行测定,并探讨了管道理论的合理性和适用范围。结果表明:在充分供水条件下,刺槐苗木茎段导水率、比导率、叶比导率和胡伯尔值均随被测茎段直径的增加而增大;苗木不同生长阶段,其导水率、比导率和叶比导率差异显著(P<0.05),且均为生长旺期>生长初期>生长末期,胡伯尔值为生长初期最大,生长旺期和生长末期差异不显著(P>0.05)。由此可推断,①在水分胁迫条件下,苗木更倾向于保护那些较粗茎段;②苗木水力结构特征与提体内生理活动呈正相关关系;③管道模型假说虽然有其存在的合理性,但也有其局限性和适用性,在对于水分在林木体内的运输过程以及调控机制的解释,管道模型假说过于简单化了。Abstract: To better understand the pipe model theory and hydraulic architecture characteristics of Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings in different growth stages (early, fast, and last), the improved flushing method was used to measure the hydraulic architecture parameters of two-year-old R.pseudoacacia seedlings with an adequate water supply for three growth stages (early, fast, and last) and there are 20 repeats in every growth stages.Significance tests were done between hydraulic architecture parameters and stem segment diameter and different growth stages by ANOVA.Then the pipe theory was discussed based on hydraulic architecture theory.Results showed that with sufficient water, the hydraulic conductivity (Kh), stem area specific hydraulic conductivity (Ks), leaf specific conductivity (Kl), and Huber value (Hv) of R.pseudoacacia seedlings increased (P<0.05) as the stem segment diameter enlarged.For the three seedling growth stages, Kh, Ks, and Kl were significantly different (P<0.05) with early growth stage> fast growth stage> last growth stage.Hv was greatest (P>0.05) in the early growth stage with no significant differences in fast and last growth stages.Thus, (1) with sufficient water, water transportation efficiency of thicker stems is greater than the thinner stems; (2) hydraulic architecture characteristics of seedlings were different (P<0.05) in three growth stages; and (3) the pipe model theory was not perfect, especially for understanding the inner water transportation processes of a tree and their control mechanism.
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