Diameter class diversity indices for spruce-fir conifer and broadleaf mixed stands in the Changbai Mountains
摘要: 径阶多样性是林分结构多样性的一个重要方面,并影响森林的经济、生态、社会效益。利用7个常用的多样性指数计算了长白山云杉Picea koraiensis-冷杉Abies holophylla针阔混交林不同采伐强度采伐前后的径阶多样性指数值,并对各指数的判别能力及对样本大小的敏感性进行了评价。结果表明:在判别能力上Margalef指数、Shannon指数和Gini指数较好,但是Margalef指数和Shannon指数受样本的影响较大,综合来说Gini指数评价效果较好。通过比较不同采伐强度采伐前后各指数值的变动得出,当采伐强度为20%~30%时,径阶多样性变大,而当采伐强度为40%时,径阶多样性反而减小。采用多样性指数来表示林分的径阶多样性可用于指导森林经营,如比较不同林分的径阶多样性、评估林分或景观水平在一定时间内树木大小多样性变化以及比较不同的经营措施对林分径阶多样性的影响等。表6参18Abstract: Diameter class diversity,as an important part of structural diversity within a stand,affects the economic,ecological,and social value of forests. The objective of this paper is to evaluate different diameter indices describing diameter class diversity based on discriminant ability and sensitivity to sample size. Seven commonly used diversity indices:the Margalef index,Shannon index,Gini coefficient,Simpson index,Berger-parker index,Pielou evenness and Shannon evenness were calculated for 4 spruce-fir conifer and broadleaf mixed stands with different cutting intensities(0,20%,30%,40%) during 7 investigating time(1986,1990,1993,1997,2001,2005,2009) in the Changbai Mountains. Then,the discriminant ability and sensitivity for sample sizes of different diversity indices were evaluated. Results showed that with respect to discriminant ability the Margalef index,Shannon index,and Gini coefficient were superior,but the Gini coefficient was best as the Margalef and Shannon indices were sensitive to sample size. Based on different cutting intensities,variation in the index values before and after cutting showed that diameter diversity increased when the cutting intensity was between 20% and 30%,and decreased when the cutting intensity was 40%. A wide range of applications for diameter diversity indices in forest management include comparing diameter diversity in different stands,assessing changes in tree size diversity over time in stands or on a landscape level,and evaluating the effects of different management treatments on diameter diversity in stands. [Ch,6 tab. 18 ref.]

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