冠层高度是森林资源调查的重要指标,也是重要的测树因子之一,与树木长势、生长量、林分蓄积量计算等密切相关[1-2]。快速、准确估测树高对于森林资源监测,森林生物量计算具有重要意义。当前,对于树高的测定有传统地面测量和遥感数据估测2类,传统的地面测量调查依据测高仪对活立木进行树高测定,是森林资源调查中树高测量最常用的方法[3],但工作效率低,且受到人为因素、仪器质量等影响,测量精度有一定的误差[4]。现阶段出现的森林树高遥感测定技术,如干涉合成孔径雷达估算技术、机载小光斑激光雷达数据结合光数码影像技术以及利用激光雷达数据点云数据提取树高[5-7]等,能够克服外界环境因素对树高估测的影响,但存在成本相对高,在大比例尺下测定地物仍有较大误差的缺陷。随着民用无人机的兴起,无人机遥感技术也得到了发展。无人机遥感影像具有分辨率高、重叠度大、信息量大等特点,并且小型民用无人机使用成本低、操作便捷、采集周期灵活等特点在很大程度上弥补了现有遥感估测树高的不足[8-13]。基于无人机平台搭载不同传感器,能够获取多光谱、高光谱、激光点云等多种类型的高精度数据,为遥感技术在森林资源调查和动态监测中的应用提供了新的发展思路[14-17],也将推动小型无人机在林业方面的普及应用[18]。杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata是中国重要的速生树种和用材树种,在森林资源中占有重要的地位[19-20]。快速、可靠地获取杉木的树高对于森林生物量的计算具有重要意义。为此,本研究选择福建省闽清县白云山国有林场的杉木林为对象,利用无人机多光谱影像数据,开展杉木人工林冠层高度遥感估测,以期为无人机在森林资源的调查应用提供理论借鉴和参考。
Height measurement of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations based on UAV remote sensing
摘要: 冠层高度是森林资源调查的重要因子。传统的森林树高调查方法存在外业调查难度大,效率低等问题。无人机(UAV)的发展为快速估测森林树高提供了手段。以福建省闽清县的杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata人工林为研究对象,通过Eco Drone-UA无人机遥感系统获取研究区遥感影像,利用Pix4D Mapper软件对航拍多光谱影像进行预处理,构建数字表面模型(DSM),利用1:10 000地形图生成数字高程模型(DEM);基于DSM和DEM叠加相减得到树冠高度模型(CHM),实现杉木树高的提取。结果表明:植被指数和多光谱波段结合随机森林算法能够有效识别真实树冠顶点;利用无人机遥感影像能够实现杉木树高估测,相对误差最小值为0.81%,最大值为23.48%,标准误差为1.48 m,估测精度为90.8%。高程变化对树高估测精度有影响,根据高程大小排序的3组样木实测树高与提取树高的决定系数(R2)分别是0.97,0.84和0.78,标准误差分别是0.67,1.17和1.99 m,在高程较高区域树高估测精度明显高于高程相对较低区域。Abstract: Tree height, an important parameter in a forest resource survey, has been problematic in traditional methods of a forest survey making it difficult and inefficient to conduct further investigations. To utilize the rapid development, in recent years, of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology as a means for quickly estimating the height of forest trees, tree height data were obtained from Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in Minqing County, Fujian Province. Remote sensing imagery in the study area was obtained through the Eco Drone-UA drone remote sensing system, setting the flight altitude to 120 m and the flight belt overlap to 50%. Pix4D Mapper software was used to preprocess aerial multispectral images and build a DSM (Digital Surface Model) using kriging interpolation to obtain a DEM (Digital Elevation Model). Based on the estimated idea of the canopy height model (CHM)=digital surface model (DSM)-digital elevation model (DEM), the tree height of C. lanceolata was extracted. Results showed that combining the vegetation index, multispectral bands, and random forest algorithm were effective in identifying the true crown vertex, and it was feasible to use high resolution UAV imagery to extract tree height. The minimum relative error for tree height was 0.81%, the maximum was 23.48%, the estimation accuracy was 90.8%, and the standard error was 1.48 m. At the same time, the measurement of tree height was affected by the DEM with the R2 and root mean squared error (RMSE) value for the least DEM being R2=0.781, RMSE=1.99 m, for the next one was R2=0.84, RMSE=1.17 m, and for the largest it was R2=0.966, RMSE=0.67 m. The accuracy of the measured height of the larger DEM was higher than that of the smaller DEM. Therefore, This approach integrates UVA with random forest, which makes up of the shortcomings of each. In addition, the results also provide a reference guidelines for the tree height.
Key words:
- forest mensuration /
- tree height /
- Cunninghamia lanceolata /
- UAV /
- remote sensing
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