Population structure and regeneration types of Ilex spp. in Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province
摘要: 为加强冬青属Ilex 植物资源的保护和利用,采用标准样方法调查分析了浙江宁波天童4种冬青种群结构及更新类型。结果表明:①所调查群落共出现木本植物61种,除草本层外,林木层由下至上可分为灌木层和乔木层,其中在乔木层之上存在分别由小果冬青Ilex micrococca,马尾松Pinus massoniana,天童锐角槭Acer acutum 构成的不连续的超高层。②所调查冬青属植物的年龄结构可分为4种类型:增长型(皱柄冬青Ilex kengii),稳定型(铁冬青Ilex rotunda),成熟型(冬青Ilex chinensis)和衰退型(小果冬青Ilex micrococca)。③冬青属植物总体生长良好,但有些种如小果冬青属于衰退型,无幼苗,无萌枝,种子更新困难,冬青幼苗难以通过环境筛导致幼树严重匮乏,需要采取适当人工育种以及栽培技术来加以繁殖保护,并对优良种质加以选育和利用。 图2表2参30Abstract: The Ilex species has been recognized for potential role in landscaping. Most of the research focused on genetic, biological, chemical and propagation characteristics of the species. This study aimed to provide the ways to strengthen conservation measures and utilization for Ilex species based on age and population structure. The four sampling plots (each of 20 m 20 m size) were established in subtropical, evergreen broadleaf forests in Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province. All woody species in the plots were identified and measured to quantify population structure and regeneration types. The complete randomized design (CRD) with sub-sampling of Ilex species in each sampling plot were used in this study. The four plots were used as replicates to represent different Ilex species in the study area. Results showed: 1) 61 woody species overall with a forest structure mainly consisting of a tree canopy layer and a shrub layer along with an herb layer. An emergent layer, consisting of Ilex micrococca, Pinus massoniana, and Acer acutum species within each plot, was found only in three plots. 2) The age structure of Ilex species in all studied plots were categorized into four types: (a) the increasing pyramid type--Ilex kengii, (b) the stable type--Ilex rotunda, (c) the mature type--Ilex chinensis, and (d) the decreasing type--Ilex micrococca. 3) Overall Ilex species grew very well, but Ilex micrococca, lacking saplings and sprouts, needed special attention along with Ilex chinensis which had very little regeneration. Thus, suitable artificial breeding and cultivation techniques should be applied for conservation of Ilex species and favorable breeding germplasm with necessary protection measures being utilized.[Ch, 2 fig. 2 tab. 30 ref.]
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