红豆杉Taxus spp.别名紫杉、观音杉、红豆树等,是红豆杉科Taxaceae红豆杉属Taxus植物的总称[1],是新生代第四纪冰川时期的古老珍贵树种[2],1996年被联合国教科文组织列入全球珍稀濒危植物,1999年被中国列为一类珍稀濒危野生植物。红豆杉是天然稀有抗癌植物,其根、茎、叶等都可入药,由红豆杉提取的紫杉醇具有抗肿瘤、抗氧化、排毒、消炎及镇痛作用[3],其新颖的化学结构、广泛的生物活性、独特的作用机制使其成为研究重点[4]。同时,红豆杉是中国南方主要的珍贵用材造林树种,且造型优美,具备多重观赏价值,在园林绿化中有着广泛的应用前景[5]。。
Research progress on influencing factors of growing characteristics of Taxus spp.
摘要: 红豆杉Taxus spp.是中国的珍贵造林树种,为一线抗癌药物紫杉醇的工业化生产提供植物原材料。随着紫杉醇市场需求的日益增长,红豆杉人工林的分布越来越广泛。目前,对影响红豆杉生长特征的因素进行系统而全面的综合分析尚不多,这限制了解析红豆杉高效栽培技术的能力。本研究从形态结构和生理生化参数对红豆杉的生长特征进行探讨,并总结了对具体参数的测量方式。红豆杉生长特征的影响因素研究主要包括解析红豆杉的生长特征参数、遗传因素、栽培条件和环境因子。主要结论为:红豆杉人工林生长特征的评价主要从形态结构和生理生化指标两方面参数开展;遗传是决定红豆杉栽培林形状的主要因素,宜选用冠幅宽大的红豆杉品种进行人工造林;立地条件、水分、肥料、土壤、光照和温度等环境因子都对红豆杉的生长发育造成了显著影响。未来红豆杉生长特征影响因素研究将更加多样化和综合化,包括基因组学、代谢组学、多特征相关性研究、保护遗传资源、抗逆性研究以及生态系统服务功能等多方面,将进一步推动红豆杉的保护与利用。参72Abstract: As one of the precious afforestation trees in China and the source of raw materials for the industrial production of the first-line anticancer drug paclitaxel, Taxus spp. are now widely distributed. However, the ability to develop efficient cultivation technology of Taxus spp. is compromised for lack of systematic analysis of factors affecting the growth characteristics. This study has explored the growth characteristics, including morphological/structural parameters and physiological and biochemical parameters the measurement methods of each parameter. The influencing factors of the growth characteristics is mainly focused on the growth characteristic parameters, the genetic factors, the cultivation conditions and the environmental factors. The growth characteristics are evaluated by morphological structure and physiological and biochemical indicators. Genetics is the main factor that determines the shape of the cultivated trees, and Taxus species with large crown widths are suitable for artificial afforestation. Environmental factors, such as site conditions, moisture, fertilizers, soil, light, and temperature, have significant impacts on the growth of Taxus trees. The future research, involving genomics, metabolomics, multi-feature correlation studies, protection of genetic resources, stress resistance studies and ecosystem service functions, will further promote the protection and utilization of Taxus. [Ch, 72 ref.]
Key words:
- Taxus spp. /
- growth characteristics /
- stand density /
- site conditions /
- stress resistance /
- summary
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