Research progress on molecular regulation mechanism of grain weight formation in wheat
摘要: 粒重是小麦Triticum aestivum产量构成的三大要素之一,是由多基因控制的数量性状,极易受环境因素的影响。国内外学者围绕粒重形成的遗传特征和分子调控机制进行了大量研究,也取得了一些研究进展。如何高效地利用前人的研究成果进行不断创新以提高小麦单产是育种工作者重要的研究课题。围绕小麦粒重形成的构成要素、遗传特征、QTLs(quantitative trait loci,QTLs)遗传定位、籽粒质量形成候选基因的克隆与分子调控机制解析等方面的最新研究展开综述;同时总结了以往研究过程中存在的问题,并结合自身研究对研究前景进行分析后指出:为了从分子水平上全面阐明小麦粒重形成的调控机制,后续研究首先应在小麦粒重形成的关键时期对籽粒激素的变化特征进行全面分析;其次要利用全基因组关联分析和高通量测序技术进一步开发与性状密切相关联的SNP标记(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP);最后结合作图群体进行表型与SNP分析技术为基础的基因型关联性分析,对粒重形成候选主效基因进行精细定位、图位克隆和功能解析。表1参52Abstract: Grain weight (GW), a quantitative trait determined by several genes, is one of three key wheat yield components and is sensitive to environmental variation. Researchers at home and abroad have done many studies on the genetic traits and molecular regulation mechanism of GW formation, and have made some research progress. How to make innovations to improve unit yield of wheat based on the existing research is an important work for the researchers. In this study, the latest research progresses on components, genetic traits, genetic mapping of QTLs (quantitative trait loci, QTLs), candidate gene cloning and molecular regulation of GW in wheat were reviewed, and then the problems of existing research and the future research direction involved in our recent research were also sorted out and discussed. In order to get a comprehensive knowledge about the molecular mechanism on the production of GW, researchers should pay more attention to three key items. Firstly, the variation of hormone in the development of GW should be concerned and measured. Secondly, GWAS (genome-wide association study, GWAS) together with high throughput sequencing should be adopted to exploit SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) markets conferring to some special agricultural trait. Finally, the candidate gene should be mapped based on SNP marker-assisted selection in the mapping population, and then the candidate genes should be cloned and their function in the regulatory network involved in the formation of GW should be covered. This work will provide a good reference for further research. [Ch, 1 tab. 52 ref.]
Key words:
- crop genetics and breeding /
- wheat /
- grain weight /
- yield /
- molecular regulation /
- review

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