扦插20 d后,测量核桃复幼插穗生根情况。由表 1可知:试验组生根率高达98.1%,对照完全没有生根,且大部分死亡。说明有无IBA处理,切口愈伤率、植株死亡率和插穗的生根率差异显著。
表 1 IBA处理对核桃嫩枝扦插生根的影响
Table 1. Effects of IBA on the rooting of walnut soft-wood cuttings
处理 切口愈伤率/% 死亡率/% 生根率/% 对照组 0 b 75.5 b 0 b 试验组 93.5 a 0 a 98.1 a -
扦插后3 d,插穗基部部分表皮褐化(图 1A);扦插后5 d,试验组部分插穗基部膨大,个别皮孔有外凸甚至开裂迹象(图 1B);扦插后7 d至9 d,试验组插穗基部膨大,切口附近沿茎开裂,开口处有白色絮状组织,不定根开始发生(图 1C);扦插至15 d时,不定根突破表皮,开始伸长生长(图 1D)。对照组插穗扦插至15 d时,插穗基部表皮褐化,未生根。
相比于对照,经IBA诱导的嫩枝插穗基部组织结构变化明显。图 2为试验组插穗基部横切片,可以发现扦插后3 d,插穗基部形成层开始迅速分裂,并明显增厚(图 2A);扦插后5 d,部分增厚的形成层细胞进一步发育,在韧皮部形成团状的分生组织(图 2B);扦插至7 d时,根原基分生组织进一步分裂分化成初始根原基细胞(图 2C),扦插至9 d时,初始根原基细胞在韧皮部发育为圆顶状的根原基(图 2D);至扦插15 d时,不定根形成并突破表皮(图 2E)。
嫩枝扦插后插穗中IAA质量分数迅速上升。由图 3A可知:对照组在1 d时,IAA质量分数达到峰值,为857.0 ng·g-1,此后下降。试验组IAA质量分数在扦插5 d时升到峰值,为1 395.0 ng·g-1;此时,插穗基部增粗,出现开裂,说明诱导不定根原基生成。
嫩枝扦插后插穗中ABA质量分数变化如图 3B所示。扦插后插穗的内源ABA质量分数迅速下降,但对照组在3 d时开始回升,并在之后一直保持上升趋势;试验组则持续下降,至5 d时达到最低之后迅速上升,并在7 d时达到峰值56.6 ng·g-1,至9 d后逐渐下降。
扦插后7 d插穗的内源GA3质量分数变化趋势大体呈“升高—降低”趋势(图 3C),并在5 d时达到峰值,试验组最高为17.1 ng·g-1,对照组最高为11.1 ng·g-1。不同的是试验组在7 d后GA3质量分数再次上升,而对照则持续下降。
ZT质量分数的变化图 3D所示。扦插后3 d,试验组和对照组内源ZT质量分数变化不明显;3 d后试验组ZT质量分数开始上升,9 d时达到298.5 ng·g-1,而对照组一直无明显变化,只在7 d后略微升高,9 d时仅达到30.9 ng·g-1。
由图 4A可知:试验组wIAA/wABA比值在扦插后升高,至5 d时达129.1,之后急剧下降,但7 d后又缓慢上升;对照组wIAA/wABA比值在扦插后1 d时达到最高值为43.5,而后持续下降。
由图 4B可知:试验组wIAA/wGA3比值呈现“M”型变化趋势,并在3 d时达第1个峰值为103.9,7 d达第2个峰值为108.5。与试验组相比,对照组wIAA/wGA3比值在扦插后1 d时达到最高值为119.7,此后迅速下降,至3 d时后下降速度放缓。
从图 4C可以看出:试验组wIAA/wZT呈现先升高后降低变化趋势,扦插后3 d时wIAA/wZT达峰值为60.1,之后至9 d时持续下降。对照组wIAA/wZT比值也呈现同样的变化趋势,不同之处在扦插后1 d时即达到峰值42.4,后转为下降。
Adventitious root formation with IBA and endogenous hormones dynamics in walnut soft-cuttings
摘要: 植物激素是调控不定根形成的重要因素。通过测定胡桃Juglans复幼嫩枝扦插过程内源激素的质量分数变化,分析植物生长调节剂诱导对内源激素的影响,为探讨植物激素对不定根发生提供参考。以胡桃品种‘中宁盛’‘Zhongningsheng’复幼插穗为试验材料,利用高效液相色谱串联质谱法,测定外源吲哚丁酸(IBA)诱导处理下插穗基部内源激素变化,并统计生根情况。结果表明:外源IBA诱导处理对插穗生根影响显著。经IBA诱导的嫩枝插穗生根率高达98.1%,对照处理没有生根,死亡率达75.5%;发根过程经历了形成层增厚、分生组织细胞团产生、根原基初始细胞发生、根原基形成和根的发育等阶段,外部形态表现为增粗、开裂;与对照组相比,扦插后内源激素变化明显,吲哚乙酸(IAA)先升高,并于第5天达到峰值,之后降低;赤霉素(GA3)变化趋势与IAA一致;脱落酸(ABA)则是先降低后上升;玉米素(ZT)前期没有明显变化,根原基诱导后明显升高。外源生长素的诱导提高了嫩枝插穗IAA的水平,改变了内源激素质量分数,促进了不定根的形成。Abstract: Phytohormones are an important factor in regulating adventitious root formation. To provide a reference for discussing the role of phytohormones on adventitious root formation in walnut, the effect of exogenous hormones on endogenous hormones was analyzed by measuring the level of endogenous hormones during the cutting process of a rejuvenated softwood, Juglans(walnut) 'Zhongningsheng'. The rejuvenated softwood was first induced by exogenous indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and then, using High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS), the endogenous hormones:Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), Gibberellic acid (GA3), Abscisic Acid (ABA), and Zeatin (ZT); basal segments of soft-cuttings were measured followed by measurement of the rooting situation, student's test were used for the treatment of the data. Results showed strong differences between samples induced and not induced by IBA. The rooting rate of rejuvenated softwood induced by IBA was up to 98.1%; whereas, in the control the rooting rate was 0 and the mortality rate was 75.5%. The rooting process experienced several stages, such as thickening of the cambium, meristem cell formation, root primordia initial cell formation, root primordia formation, and root development through observation of the anatomic structure. Additionally, the external morphology showed thickening and cracking. During softwood cutting, endogenous hormone levels in rejuvenated soft shoots induced by IBA changed noticeably. Also, IAA increased first and reached its peak at day 5, then decreased as did GA3. However, ABA decreased first and then increased. In the early stages, ZT changed little but did increase after root primordia induction. The level of IAA in softwood induced by IBA improved; however, the effects on ZT were small. So the changes of endogenous hormones induced by IBA promoted adventitious root formation.
Key words:
- botany /
- walnut /
- softwood cutting /
- adventitious root /
- phytohormones
表 1 IBA处理对核桃嫩枝扦插生根的影响
Table 1. Effects of IBA on the rooting of walnut soft-wood cuttings
处理 切口愈伤率/% 死亡率/% 生根率/% 对照组 0 b 75.5 b 0 b 试验组 93.5 a 0 a 98.1 a -
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