植物体细胞胚胎(体胚)发生是指已分化的体细胞不经过性细胞融合,经历类似合子胚发育的途径直接形成植株的过程[1],是除合子胚发育途径之外另一种获得完整植株的重要手段,也是植物细胞全能性的一种体现。自首次在胡萝卜Daucus carota中发现体胚发生现象以来,人们在大量不同植物的组织培养、单细胞悬浮培养、原生质体培养和花粉培养的过程中都观察到或实现了体胚发生[2-3]。因具有相对的遗传稳定性、可重复性和高效性等优点,体胚发生已经成为了重要的生物技术工具,在种质资源保存、优质种苗生产、人工种子、分子及细胞工程育种和基础研究等方面都有着广泛的应用。
植物体胚发生是一个涉及生长素、细胞分裂素等激素信号和复杂基因调控网络的过程。近年来的研究表明:一些关键的转录因子是体胚发生的主要介导者,其在生长素和细胞分裂素等激素信号刺激下启动和调控下游基因的表达,从而启动体胎发生,调控体胚发育[2]。此外,基因组的表观修饰也被认为是影响植物体胚发生的重要因素,DNA甲基化、组蛋白去乙酰化等表观修饰都是植物体胚发生调控途径的重要组成部分[4-6]。随着研究的深入,一些体胚发生的关键基因(如Baby Boom、Wuschel等)也被用于提高体胚发生的频率和转基因效率,已在玉米Zea mays等较难转化的植物中获得了成功[7-8]。本研究将对体胚发生的途径、体胚发生关键基因及其调控机制、表观遗传修饰对体胚发生的调控及体胚发生关键基因的利用等进行综述,以期为后续的研究和技术开发提供科学依据。
Research progress in plant somatic embryogenesis and its molecular regulation mechanism
摘要: 植物的每个细胞都包含着该物种的全部遗传信息,具备发育成完整植株的遗传能力,这被称为植物细胞的全能性。体细胞胚胎(体胚)发生是指在没有受精的情况下,由体细胞或营养细胞发育成胚胎,是诱导植物细胞全能性的一种形式。体胚发生在种质资源保存、种苗生产、分子育种和植物基础研究等方面都有着广泛的应用,已成为重要的植物生物技术工具和研究平台。多年来的分子遗传学研究表明:体胚发生受到由众多转录因子、激素信号途径及表观遗传修饰等构成的复杂网络的调控。本研究概述了植物体胚发生的途径,并重点综述了体胚发生关键基因的功能与调控机制、体胚发生的表观遗传修饰以及体胚发生关键基因在基因工程中的应用。随着研究的深入和新技术的出现,体胚发生过程中涉及的代谢组分动态变化、转录调控、激素信号转导与表观遗传调控等复杂生物学过程有望得到更深入地阐释,将更进一步地解析植物体胚发生的分子调控机制。此外,利用体胚发生关键基因的功能与调控机制,开发更高效的体胚诱导和遗传转化方法,有望为更多植物的基因功能研究和遗传改良提供新的思路和技术。参81Abstract: Each plant cell harboring all the genetic information of the species has the genetic potential to develop into a whole plant, which is termed plant cell totipotency. Somatic embryogenesis is a form of induced plant cell totipotency, by means of which embryos develop from somatic or vegetative cells in the absence of fertilization. Somatic embryogenesis, an increasingly important tool of plant biotechnology, has been widely applied in germplasm reservation, seedling propagation, molecular breeding and basic research of many plants and it has been implied in previous studies on molecular genetics that somatic embryogenesis is subject to the regulation by a complex network composed of transcription factors, hormone signaling pathways and epigenetic modifications. Therefore, this review, with a summary of the development routes of plant somatic embryogenesis, is aimed to give a comprehensice overview of the research progress achieved in the functions of key genes and epigenetic modification in the process of somatic embryogenesis along with an introduction to the applications of several key genes in genetic engineering. The development of new technologies is conducive to better and more profound insigts into the dynamic changes of of metabolic components, transcriptional regulation, phytohormone signal transduction and epigenetic modification during plant somatic embryogenesis, which will promote the understanding of the underlying molecular mechanism of somatic embryogenesis. Besides, by using those key genes of plant somatic embryogenesis, it is possible to development new methods and technologies to improve the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis induction and genetic transformation. [Ch, 81 ref.]
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