Effects of ultrasonic wave and with pretreatment solution on floret and cut branch of Chimonanthus praecox during storage
摘要: 保持蜡梅Chimonanthus praecox切花良好的水分状况是延长其瓶插寿命,提高观赏品质的关键。为了明确超声波处理对蜡梅切花的保鲜效应,对超声波(UW)及与保鲜剂(PS)复合预处理后的素心蜡梅Ch.praecox var.concolor离体小花进行水培,测定离体小花水分状况变化和寿命等。结果表明,离体小花鲜质量/干质量的比值变化呈现单峰变化趋势,与鲜质量的变化趋势类似,各处理的作用效果依次为:UW+PS>UW>ck (对照);同时UW+PS和UW等2组预处理减缓了小花失水的速度,阻滞了小花离子渗漏的加剧。对预处理后的花枝短期储藏期间脱落酸(ABA)、异戊烯基腺嘌呤(iPA)和玉米素核苷类(ZRs)的变化情况进行测定发现,在整个储藏过程中,ABA质量摩尔浓度始终低于对照,但2组预处理的ZRs和iPA质量摩尔浓度均极显著高于对照。说明经过超声波与保鲜剂复合预处理的2组切花储藏后比对照更能保持良好的生理状态。Abstract: Maintaining the water status of cut wintersweet(Chimonanthus praecox) is the crux of prolonging its vase life and improving its ornamental quality. Consenescence of cut flower can also be modulated by the species and balanced state of endogenesis incretion. We designed this experiment to reveal effect of ultrasonic wave pretreatmenton cut wintersweet. In vitro floret was cultivated in water in this experiment and its water status changes and longevity were measured after treated with ultrasonic wave(UW) and pretreatment solution(PS). The results showed that the ratio changes of fresh weight and dry weight of floret presented singlet curve during water cultivation, and the change of fresh weight has the same characteristic. The effects of the treatments on floret from high to low in order is UW+PS>UW>ck(control). ABA,iPA and ZRs content changes of petal in cut wintersweet branch treated by ultrasonic wave and pretreatment solution during water storage was measured. We also found that the content of ABA of the treated petal was less than that of ck, but ZRs and iPA contents of treated petal were more than that of ck. So we concluded that the pretreatment of UV and PS can maintain physiological state of cut wintersweet.
Key words:
- horticulture /
- ultrasonic wave /
- pretreatment solution /
- Chimonanthus praecox var.concolor /
- storage
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