十字花科Brassicaceae植物多为1年生或多年生的草本植物,包含小白菜Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis、甘蓝Brassica oleracea var. capitata、油菜Brassica napus、萝卜Raphanus sativus等蔬菜作物,还有二月兰Orychophragmus violaceus等观赏植物,以及板蓝根Isatis tinctoria等药用植物等。十字花科植物中富含叶绿素,且叶与茎中的叶绿素远高于其他色素,因此外观上呈现绿色,但在彩叶植物或者叶绿素缺失植物中,由于其他色素大幅增加或叶绿素大幅减少而呈现彩色或黄色等。植物中存在着数量巨大的各类突变体,常作为研究植物生理生化机制与基因组功能的重要材料[1-3]。其中一类叶绿素缺失,植株表型黄化的突变体,称为黄化突变体[4-5]。由于黄化性状易观察,可以直观呈现植物体内叶绿素的多寡,且影响植物光合作用及生长发育,因此黄化突变体是研究叶绿素合成代谢的优良材料。本研究对十字花科植物中发现的黄化突变进行分类,总结黄化突变体形态结构及光合色素含量的变化规律,探求黄化形成原因与分子机制,归纳黄化性状遗传模式,为十字花科植物的叶绿素代谢及叶绿体发育等研究提供参考。
Research progress on the characteristics and molecular mechanism of yellowing mutation in Brassicaceae
摘要: 十字花科Brassicaceae植物多数生长发育时间短,生长过程中自然发生,或使用物理或化学方法诱导,常会出现一些颜色较淡或金黄的突变个体即黄化突变体。这些突变体表型直观,表现为植株矮小,叶绿素较低,植株光合作用受抑制,产量降低,因此黄化突变常被视为有害突变。但近20 a来黄化突变体日益受到研究者们的重视与青睐,被用于研究植物叶绿体结构、叶绿素合成代谢等方面。本研究简要介绍了十字花科植物常见的黄化突变类型及其主要的外观特征,综述了十字花科植物黄化突变体的叶绿体超微结构、光合色素及其光合性能,并对十字花科植物黄化突变的遗传特性、分子机制进行了讨论,为十字花科植物叶色突变研究及新品种选育提供理论基础。参52Abstract: During their short growth period, most Brassicaceae plants have some light-green or golden-colored mutants, named as yellow mutants, either naturally grown or induced physically or chemically. Such mutants, with intuitive phenotypes, such as shortness, low chlorophyll content and suppressed photosynthesis usually result in the reduction of yield, thus considered as harmful. In the past two decades, the phenomenon of yellowing mutation has attracted an increasing amount of attention from scholors with the research results applied in the study of plant chloroplast structure and chlorophyll metabolism. This review, with a brief introduction to the common types, phenotype characteristics, chloroplast ultrastructure, photosynthetic pigments and photosynthetic properties of yellowing mutants in Brassicaceae plants, is aimed at a discussion of the genetic characteristics and molecular mechanism of the yellowing mutation in the hope of providing a theoretical basis for the study of leaf color mutations and selection of new varieties in Brassicaceae plants. [Ch, 52 ref.]
Key words:
- botany /
- Brassicaceae /
- yellowing mutation /
- chlorophyll /
- chloroplast /
- molecular mechanism /
- review
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