摘要: 以枇杷宁海白Eriobotrya japonicaNinghaibai和大红袍E. japmicaDahongpao果仁为原料,利用气相色谱?鄄质谱分析脂肪酸组成,理化分析测定常规化学成分,研究不同品种枇杷果仁中常规化学分成和脂肪酸组成的差异。实验共鉴定出11个脂肪酸组分,分别占宁海白枇杷果仁总脂肪酸的94.37%和大红袍枇杷果仁总脂肪酸的93.13%。大红袍枇杷果仁中棕榈油酸、油酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸的质量分数为507.6 gkg-1,显著低于宁海白枇杷果仁的578.5 gkg-1;宁海白枇杷果仁中必需脂肪酸亚油酸和亚麻酸的质量分数(509.2 gkg-1)显著高于大红袍枇杷果仁(444.8 gkg-1)。此外,枇杷果仁的蛋白质质量分数很高,淀粉和酚类物质相对比较丰富。为枇杷果仁深加工产品的开发提供了脂肪酸组成及常规化学成分的详细评估依据。图3表1参7Abstract: To select the best loquat kernels in regards to fatty acids and nutrition from two Eriobotrya japonica cultivars (Ninghaibaiand Dahongpao),differences in normal chemical components and in fatty acid composition using a physico-chemical analysis for the nutritional component and gas chromatography and mass Spectrometer(GC-MS) for the fatty acid profile were tested. Results showed that GC-MS identified 11 fatty acids with total fatty acids for both cultivars being 94.4% in loquat seeds and 93.1% in the seed oil. The total linoleic acid,oleic acid,and linolenic acid in loquat seed of Dahongpao(507.6 gkg-1) was significantly lower (P<0.05) than in Ninghaibai(578.5 gkg-1),and their total essential fatty acids for loquat seed of Ninghaibai(509.2 gkg-1) was significantly higher (P<0.05) than in Dahongpao(444.8 gkg-1). Thus,these results could offer a scientific basis for using underexploited loquat kernels.[Ch,3 fig. 1 tab. 7 ref.]
Key words:
- botany /
- loquat seed /
- nutritional component /
- fatty acid profile

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